About The Bible Study

OVERVIEW: These videos begin with Genesis and will run, when completed, through Revelation. They are sequentially archived titled by the Book of the Bible covered. Each video is approximately 20 minutes long and is presented with the goal of promoting: 1. Personal spiritual growth into, 2. Answering God’s call to personal, active, miraculous discipleship. In this series, John teaches the progress of God’s revelations of His character, commandments and purposes as the events and persons unfold in Scripture as they relate to that personal spiritual growth into discipleship. More and more churches are discovering and using this resource in a variety of ways. In these videos John often encourages listeners to view the entire Bible as a very long, amazing letter from God to YOU!

This Bible Study Series is ideal for a “Becoming His Disciple” Bible study, adult Sunday School class or as a mid-week broadcast program for a small, medium or large sized church in order to give a meaningful and available resource to encourage personal Bible Study and personal meaningful discipleship as part of an overall church effort.

NO CONTROVERSIES: In these videos John teaches from the Bible as written. Controversies such a “literalism v. contextualism”, “evolution v. creationism” and any denominational biases of any kind are avoided. John teaches the Church as The Body of Christ and encourages church membership and active participation and support as part of the spiritual growth process. Note that in the early 2000’s John taught a Bible study at his home church, Saint Alban’s Episcopal in Monroe, Georgia. That study of weekly in person lectures lasted for two years to completion and attracted approximately 150 regular participants. It was reported that about a dozen other local churches suspended their weekly studies and encouraged members to attend the study conducted by John. About half of those attending were from those churches and the community at-large. In his presentations and writings, John also recommends and his lectures presume that the participants are personally reading the books of the Bible and not depending upon gaining details from his lectures. The videos are thus succinct analyses of the meaning of the events and personalities involved within the context of God’s progressive and expanding revelations about Himself and His purposes in history. John uses and recommends the Spirit Filled Life Study Bible, New King James Version, published by Nelson Publishing because it is annotated by a panel of well known experts, led by Jack W. Hayford.

NO FEE OR SUBSCRIPTION: The archived segment videos may be accessed and downloaded for use at the Bible Study Videos tab at https://www.johnwhenderson.com. The link is to John’s YouTube channel.



John Henderson
114 Bryant Road
Monroe, Georgia 30655

678-689-4405   (Please text for call back as voice mail is usually full).
